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Web design, seo, flash, html/php, css, e-commerce
(Web design)
20. april 2009. u 10.40
Do you need a website or some other web service?

I am an English Web Designer and I am looking for new customers.

I can create almost any kind of websites – from small 2 or 3 page websites to complicated e-commerce systems and video portals like YouTube ; I am able to cater to your needs.

My prices vary and I am highly flexible – so contact me to tell me what you need and I will give you a price.
My skills include:

Photoshop/ Illustrator,

All around web developer for any kind of websites you need.

Originally from, the UK and I have many current clients from all over the world but I am always looking for new work so if you need any of the following services, please contact me:

Website Design (Graphic Design, Photoshop, Logo design)
Website Development (Coding,HTML/PHP, MySQL)
Flash Websites, Flash Advertisments, etc
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Artwork, Corporate Branding

Even if you do not need a brand new website, I can update your current website as well.

I have been professionally making websites for almost 8 years - check out my portfolio at http://www.zdncomputers.com/portfolio.php

I also offer an amazing Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Service. If you need to get listed on Google in the top ten, then contact me today!
Other companies charge over 10,000 Euros per year for SEO, but due to my ground-breaking techniques, I can offer this service for as little as 100 euro per month, or 1200 euro per year – (The price depends on how many keywords you would like to optimise for)

I also offer Flash Services. If you need a flash website, flash banner, flash buttons or any other flash related things - please contact me to tell me what you want.

If you are interested in any of my services, contact [email protected]
Hope to hear from you soon,
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