Oglasi : Nekretnine : Placevi

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Njiva na prodaju kod Valjeva Srbija

Velika slika A beautiful field of 8.000m2, surrounded by other beautiful fields, pure nature, the chirping of birds in the nearby forest, a beautiful small river next to it - for sale, an ideal place for hunting or poaching, enjoying nature untouched by city exhaust gases - because it is 8 km from Loznica, 50 km from Valjeva

Opšti podaci
Autor oglasa Misha Radosh
Imejl Kontaktiraj autora

Detalji oglasa
ID oglasa 437432
Brojač čitanja ovog oglasa  178
Oglas ističe 29.08.2024.
Kreiran 21.05.2024.

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