Oglasi : Lični oglasi : Ona traži njega

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So, I'm eating alone in this Italian restuaraunt and I open a fortune cookie (weird, I know) and it says: "Go forth and seek your mate!" And so, I enter the dating pool with nothing more than my laptop and a child-like sense of wonder.
Dolce agony or a midlife crisis?

A number of lonely nights is increasing rapidly.
The stakes are no longer high.
However I am very hopeful in finding you: someone to share and enjoy the golden days ahead and make memories together.

I am ok. 55. tall, slim, energetic, educated, fast fingers and curious mind.
I'm outspoken, wrongs provoke me and empathy is important.
Trenutno zivim na relaciji Canada - RS, ali bih volila da se opredjelim, jednom kad nadjem ‘tebe’.
Volila bih da mozda negdje na selu napravimo malu, organsku farmu. Ali nije imperativ. Volim i Bg, isto kao Toronto ili Taru, Kotor ili Rtanj.

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Detalji oglasa
ID oglasa 413325
Brojač čitanja ovog oglasa  3471
Oglas ističe 01.04.2020.
Kreiran 14.01.2020.

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