Diskusije : Emigracija

Malo razbrige u ovom
13. decembar 2022. u 11.27
...zadimljenom bircuzu, a posebno za bracelu S. & sogora S. u skladu sa sa 'zlatnom' dobi,stazu i još po nečemu:

That`s life:

1. Once all villagers decided to pray for rain.
On the day of prayer all the people gathered, but only one boy came
with an umbrella.
That`s FAITH.

2. When you throw babies in the air, they laugh because they know
you will catch them.
That`s TRUST.

3. Every night we go to bed without any assurance of being alive
next morning.
That`s HOPE.
4. We plan big things for tomorrow. In spite of zero knowledge of the

5. We see the world suffering, but still we get married and have
That`s LOVE.

6. On an old man`s shirt was written sentence; „I am not 80,years old:
”I am sweet 16 with 64 years experience„.



I know I shouldn`t have done this, but I am almost 88,just sayin!,
and I was in the fast food drive-through this morning and the
young lady behind me leaned on her horn and started mouthing
something because I was talking too long to place my order while
I was fumbling with the coupons.

So, when I got to the first window, I paid her order along with
my own. The cashier must have told her what I`d done, because as
we moved up she leaned out her window and waved to me and mouthed
”Thank you, obviously embarrassed that I had repaid her rudeness
with kindness. When I got to the second window, I showed them both
receipts and took her food too.

Now she had to go back to the end of the queue and start all over

Don`t blow your horn at old people: they have been around a long

P.s. toliko ovim povodom...

13. decembar 2022. u 11.40
What happens when you are old?

What's happening. With age, bones tend to shrink in size and density, weakening them and making them more susceptible to fracture. You might even become a bit shorter. Muscles generally loše strength, endurance and flexibility — factors that can affect your coordination, stability and balance.

Google translate:

Шта се дешава када остариш?

Шта се дешава. Са годинама, кости имају тенденцију да се смањују у величини и густини, слабећи их и чинећи их подложнијим ломовима. Можда чак постанете мало нижи. Мишићи генерално губе снагу, издржљивост и флексибилност — фактори који могу утицати на вашу координацију, стабилност и равнотежу.
13. decembar 2022. u 13.55


1. Your investment in health is finally beginning to pay off.

2. Your joints are more accurate at predicting the weather than
the national weather service.

3. Your secrets are safe with your friends because they can`t
remember them either.


An elderly man in Florida had owned a large farm for many years.
He had a large pond in the back. It was properly shaped for
swimming so he fixed it up nice with picnic tables, horseshoe
courts and some orange and lime trees.
One evening the old farmer decided to go down to the pond, as hi
hadn`t been there for a while, and look it over. He grabbed a five
a five-gallon bucket to bring back some fruits. As hem neared the
pond, he heard voices shouting and laughing with glee.
As he come closer, he saw it was a bunch young women skinny-dipping
in his pond. He made the women aware of his presence and they all
went to deep end. One of the women shouted to him, 'we are
not coming out until you leave'! The old man frowned, I didn`t
come down here to watch you ladies swim naked or make you got
out of a pond naked`. Holding the bucket up he sad, 'I am here
to feed the alligator.'

Some old man can still think fast.

'idemo dalje - za iste pare'...

13. decembar 2022. u 14.45
Ima jedna dobra bolest kad ostaris, ne vidi se, ne cuje se, ne boli
jedino oboleli stalno cuje i dozivljava nešto novo.
13. decembar 2022. u 16.57
Uh ah ih sogore, reklo bi se da si uvereni optimista...

Jedan u prilog: razgovaraju pesimista vs optimista:

Pesimista: 'ovo stanje kakvo je danas, ne može biti gore'!
Optimista: ' može, može i te kako, samo malo strplenja'!

Svojevremeno davnih 50-ih minulog veka,razgovaraju dva Solunca:
'Znaš li ti Milutine da sam ja nekad preko ovog MOG, mog`o
sablju da prelomim...a sad ne mogu - onemocale mi ruke'.

Razgovaraju u starackom domu dvoje penzosa - Ona i On.

Ona: A koliko ti imaš godina? On: 85. Ona: E jati nebi dala.
On: E i da mi das, ja nebi mog`o.

P.s. prema tome sogore moj: svaki sledeći dan je dobitak.
13. decembar 2022. u 22.26
said to his eighty-year old buddy; „So I hear you`re getting married?”
„Do I know her?”
„This woman, is she good looking?”
„Not really”
„Is she good cook?”
„Naw, she can`t cook too well'.
”Does she have lots of money?„
”Nope! Poor as a church mouse„.
”Why in the world you want to marry her than?„
”Because she can still drive!„

1. Talk to yourself. There are times you need expert advice.
2. ”In style„ are the clothes that still fit.
3. You don`t need anger management. You need people to stop annoying
4. The biggest lie you tell yourself is ”I don`t need to write that
dawn. I`ll remember'.

THE DIFFERENCE between genius and stupidity is that genius has it`s

I TOLD my wife she should embrace her mistakes... She hugged me.

NEGLIGENT, described a condition in which you absentmindedly answer
the door in your night down.

FLAGBBERGASTED, appalled over how how much weight you have gained.

I`m so happy to be home from Hollywood. I like going back to Canada,
where I`m good-looking again.
(kreativni lik)
14. decembar 2022. u 02.49
Al sto matorci umeju da budu bezobrazni - to je bukvalno neopisivo. Evo ti ga santa prvi primer tu i tamo. :)
14. decembar 2022. u 08.22
Naravno Sale,

Tako je otkako je sveta i veka, pa sto nebi bilo i danaske?

Sa godinama dolaze mudrost,izvesniji dani,manje zderes-loces-kreces-
srljas-laprdas i tako to. Drugim rečima sve je svedeno na dopustenu meru
pomenutog doba, a pod uslovom ako se isto uopste i doceka.

14. decembar 2022. u 09.53
„Al sto matorci umeju da budu bezobrazni ”

Nikad u zivotu nisam starce tretirao kao nevinu nejac mislim, sličnu deci.
Rođeni kao nevino dete tokom zivota postajemo ljudi i neljudi.
Zajednicko je da i jedni i drugi postaju staracka nejac a nikom na celu ne piše biografija.
Stoga starac nije novi bezobraznik, on je samo bivši bezobrazni mladic koji je osim kroz zivot stecenog bezobrazluka postao još i mnogo ruzniji skoriji smrtni osudjenik.
Nikad ne znamo koliko je „jadnih” staraca pored nas teski ljudski sljam
koji ne zasluzuje ni da se pogleda, ali ako mislimo da mi to nismo dovoljno je ostati samo ono sto je poželjno tj, budimo ljudi a ne neljudi.
14. decembar 2022. u 10.58
Mudrijas: „Al sto matorci umeju da budu bezobrazni...Evo ti ga santa prvi primer tu i tamo. :)”

Says who?
(kreativni lik)
14. decembar 2022. u 15.41
agree (simo). - mnogo puta kad vidim one grupice penzosa, još dok sam bio mladji - tamo na kalishu ono vikendom kad pice kolce, ili cepaju sah, -zapitao sam se - ko li je od ovih bio strazar po komunjarskim kazamatima, ili islednik, ili pandur, ili premlacivac neduznih ljudi, i tako to - i još za to što je radio (bio necovek) dobija i penziju...
daleko su starci od „k'o deca”.
uzgred, kapiram da ni jedan jedini, ali bas ni jedan jedini rat na ovome svetu od kad je sveta i veka, nisu organizovali mladi ljudi, nego bas odvratni, pokvareni starci.
14. decembar 2022. u 17.17
„kapiram da ni jedan jedini, ali bas ni jedan jedini rat na ovome svetu od kad je sveta i veka, nisu organizovali mladi ljudi, nego bas odvratni, pokvareni starci.”

Neosporno Sale međutim: Ako se ima u vidu, tj. da su ti isti starci postali i svojevremeno formirali od te iste gorepomenute dece,
nema frke nit` falinke - jelte.
Svojevremeno 'kad sam bio malji deca', za nestasne i nezajazljive
siljokurane bi se reklo;„Od ovog dase dobar starac raste garantovano”!

P.s. ovo se svojevremeno odnosilo na decu povlascenih i nedodirljivih.

P.s.s. odlomak od jedne balade iz nedavih vremena:

Sad su deca,unuci proletera slavnih
biznis lole postali da im nema ravnih,

Prezirase marke,dolare i franke
pa su po zadatku ispraznili banke,

Rasli su uz filmove borbene,pornice
grade disko-klubove,kasina,kafice,

S` modom ne zaostaju voze kola besna
a preziru kritiku jer je neumesna,

Ko se na njih drzne zna se šta ga ceka
a potom će istraga trajat pola veka.

Kako bilo Nedicu tako cica Draži,
nestalo ih zauvek,ko sad da ih trazi.
 Komentar Zapamti ovu temu!

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