Forums : Trudnice i mamice

Ako vam treba pomoć oko dece
2015-09-09 01:02 PM
Kcerka naših prijatelja bi radila kao bebi siterka. Zavrsila je za profesora francuskog i nema posao u Srbiji (nije politicki aktivna i nema veze i vezice). Ona takođe govori engleski i nemacki B1-nivo je zavrsila. Kulturna je i lepo vaspitana devojka i radila je i pre u Savajcarskoj i Francuskoj. Mozete je kontaktirati na mejl ispod za vise informacija.
Evo njen oglas:
Au pair from Serbia (32) is looking for a family in Austria, France, Switzerland or Germany. Great experience since i take cared of four children in France 4 years ago,and 2 children in Switzerland last year.
Responsible, communicative and very patient with a children.
Great French(french teacher) and English speaker, and concerning German language it's on level B1..
for any further informations: [email protected]

Hvala unapred
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