Forums : Emigracija

iglooBelow viewing treshold. Show

Oh Yeah
2023-08-04 07:54 AM
Comrades, somewhere in Singapore or Belgrade...
iglooBelow viewing treshold. Show

2023-08-04 08:04 AM
There, everything is new and everything is wild, free continent without wire fencing here our dreams are narrow, that's why I'll go there. There you must have courage and be brave, but everything is possible at my age if you have strength and faith, you can reach the gold. That's why I'll go there. The rare tamed bipeds will seek asylum in Lapland and Siberia, if the melting ice does not import them to hell...

Ima li preživelih?
(kreativni lik)
2023-08-04 08:51 AM
samo nemoj da se gudras po singapuru, i sve okej :)
iglooBelow viewing treshold. Show

2023-08-05 07:09 AM
Because, po vašim visokim analizama apokalipse, Singapur i Manila (Bonifacio City), u kojima živim, manje vrede od vašeg socijalnoh uspeha?
Dragi naučnici, profesori otrcane sudbine, meteorolozi, ako ne želite proćerdati vaša zadnja slova na diskusijama, Bill Gates i Melinda vam predlažu Windows Key + H, (Voice typing turns your voice into text with Microsoft's online speech technologies. Select the mic button to start using voice typing.)

Na taj način vaša sekretarica će tupiti vaše znanje na diskusijama, svaki diskutant će otići u lov na slonove kao maloumni španski kralj, i naš silni naučnik Santa će moći da prospava prohujali život salaša.
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