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Рад исцелитеља у Русији
(Ma, nista...)
26. januar 2013. u 06.44
Ово је текст закона о исцелитељима који важи у Русији, мада ми - с обзиром да мој енглески није савршен, није јасно да ли је рад дозвољен само медицинском особљу (члан 3.3) или пак свима који провером потврде своје способности.


On the basis of the health of citizens of the Russian Federation On the basis of the health of citizens in the Russian Federation

Adopted by the State Duma on November 1, 2011 Adopted by the State Duma on November 1, 2011

Signed by the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Signed by the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev and entered into force on 1 January 2012. Medvedev and entered into force on 1 January 2012.

Article 50. Traditional medicine Article 50. Folk Medicine

1. 1. Traditional medicine is a healing method that had become entrenched in the national experience, which are based on the use of knowledge and practical skills in the assessment and restoration of health. Traditional medicine is a healing method that had become entrenched in the national experience, which are based on the use of knowledge and practical skills in the assessment and restoration of health. To traditional medicine does not include the provision of services to the occult and magical character, and the performance of religious rites. To traditional medicine does not include the provision of services to the occult and magical character, and the performance of religious rites.

2. 2. Right to practice traditional medicine have citizens who have been granted, Right to practice traditional medicine have citizens who have been granted, issued by executive authorities of the Russian Federation in the field of health care. issued by the executive authorities of the Russian Federation in the field of health care.

3. 3. The decision to issue a permit to practice traditional medicine is taken on the application of the citizen and of a medical professional or non-profit and co-application of a citizen of a medical professional, and nonprofit medical organization. The decision to issue a permit to practice traditional medicine is taken on the application of the citizen and of a medical professional or non-profit and co-application of a citizen of a medical professional, and nonprofit medical organization. Permit allows to practice traditional medicine in the subject of the Russian Federation, the executive authority which issued such a permit. Permit allows to practice traditional medicine in the subject of the Russian Federation, the executive authority which issued such a permit.

4. 4. Permittee is engaged in folk medicine in the manner specified by the executive authorities of the Russian Federation. Permittee is engaged in folk medicine in the manner specified by the executive authorities of the Russian Federation.

5. 5. Depriving citizens authorization to engage in traditional medicine by decision of the executive authorities of the Russian Federation, the issuing authority, and may be appealed in court. Depriving citizens authorization to engage in traditional medicine by decision of the executive authorities of the Russian Federation, the issuing authority, and may be appealed in court.

6. 6. Traditional medicine is not covered in the provision of government guarantees free medical care to citizens. Traditional medicine is not covered in the provision of government guarantees free medical care to citizens.

7. 7. Illegal occupation of traditional medicine, as well as damage to life or health of the citizens during the occupation of traditional medicine entail liability under the laws of the Russian Federation. Illegal occupation of traditional medicine, as well as damage to life or health of the citizens during the occupation of traditional medicine entail liability under the laws of the Russian Federation.

Ово је адреса одељења руског министарства здравља( http://www.rosminzdrav.ru/ )које се бави традиционалном медицином:
Федеральный научно-клинический центр традиционных методов диагностики и исцеления -> ulitsa Vucheticha, 12, Moskva, Rusland
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