Diskusije : Politika

Patrick Gaudréault: Univerzitet Oxford: Quebec
05. februar 2023. u 20.35
Patrick Gaudréault: Univerzitet Oxford: Quebec, Kanada.

95,7% umrlih od COVID-a od juna 2021. je VAKCINIRANO.

Ukupno vakciniranih u Kanadi je 85 %.

Slogan „sprečava teške oblike” je dakle bio LAŽ.

05. februar 2023. u 20.39
Dr. Ray Armatt:
U mnogim zemljama višak smrtnih slučajeva veći je od 20% od očekivanog. Da to stavimo u perspektivu, to je više od prekomjernog broja mrtvih u ratu u Ukrajini.
Uzrokuju li ih vakcine?

evo analize:

The Spike in Excess Death Across the World is Real

This is no longer a conspiracy theory by anti-vaccine activists. Mainstream publications and news outlets such as BBC, MSN, CNN, Telegraph and The Guardian, which promoted vaccines (and benefited from large advertising budgets of vaccine manufacturers) are all sounding alarms about unprecedented and surprising spikes in excess death. CNN admits life expectancy has been cut by nearly 2.5 years since 2020 and most of it has happened in 2021 and 2022 (in the post-vaccine period, although CNN blamed COVID-19 for the excess death, even in the post-vaccine era).

Telegraph: „Deaths in England and Wales 30 per cent higher than expected in first week of 2023.” To put this in perspective for you, this is higher than my estimate of % Excess Death in Ukraine (Some 8000-10,000 civilians plus 100,000-200,000 military) caused by their war with Russia. There must be some ominous events or factors claiming more lives than a bloody war.

BBC: „Excess deaths in 2022 among worst in 50 years!” Although the article denies vaccines are the cause, it admits that COVID can no longer be blamed as the main driver of excess deaths.

The Guardian: „Britain’s excess death rate is at a disastrous high. In the last two weeks of 2022, deaths were 20% higher than the average from 2016 to 2019 (the last pre-pandemic year), and that’s taking into account factors such as a bigger, ageing population.”

EuroMOMO, the database tracking excess death in Europe: Europe reported 35% excess deaths in the last week for which full data was available. The excess death numbers are particularly alarming for the 44-and-younger as can be seen in the charts below. In this age group, new peaks are seen which are higher than the peaks during the pandemic (pre-vaccinated). Even in other age groups, the z-scores (a statistical measure of the number of standard deviations away from mean normal seasonal values) are higher than pre-vaccine peaks experienced in December 2020. For example, in the 75-84 year age group, Z-scores in December 2022 (post vaccinated) were around 25, almost identical to the value in December 2020 (pre-vaccinated).
08. februar 2023. u 18.41
Zašto treba zaustaviti mRNA vakcine, odmah:
09. februar 2023. u 20.34
U Njemačkoj smrtnost veća od normale 40%

09. februar 2023. u 20.36
Smrtnost u Evropi eksplodirala je do razine pandemije, čak je premašila vrhunac iz 2021.! Skupina do 14 godina je rekordna, premašuje prag značajnog povećanja prvi put u 5 godina.

09. februar 2023. u 20.38
Retsef Levi : Jesmo li potpuno izgubili empatiju u medicini i znanosti? Upalu srca kod djece nazivamo „blagom”. Razarajući slučaj miozitisa kod mlade i zdrave žene definiramo kao „blag do umjeren” i „rijedak”. Toliko je 'rijetko' da imamo grupe takvih slučajeva. To je pogrešno!

09. februar 2023. u 20.40
Inače, ako vam je promaklo - ovi iz WEF-a su izjavili da konzumiranje kokošijih jaja dovodi do srčanih udara i problema sa zdravljem


Ljudi, ne jedite jaja! umjesto toga, vakcinisite se !
(svratio samo na 5 minuta)
11. februar 2023. u 18.44
11. februar 2023. u 22.01
plus za Pjera, na temi koja je ignorisana
 Komentar Zapamti ovu temu!

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