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Djokovic Doubling Donations In His Foundation's Se
2020-12-06 03:45 AM
Djokovic Doubling Donations In His Foundation's Season Of Giving

Dec 05 2020

The campaign runs through 31 January
The Novak Djokovic Foundation has launched a Season of Giving campaign for the third consecutive year in the hopes of raising €100,000 to help open a preschool in both Vajska and Ljubis, two villages in Serbia. World No. 1 Novak Djokovic and his wife, Jelena Djokovic, will match all donations.

„Considering the current pandemic situation, this year we primarily focused on healthcare, and with our donations, tried to assist the healthcare institutions in Serbia,” Novak and Jelena said in a statement. „However, our primary goal is still to invest into children and their future.”

The Novak Djokovic Foundation focusses on early childhood development, with one of its methods being the opening and adaptation of preschools. More than 30,000 Serbian children have benefitted from the foundation's work. Last year’s Season of Giving campaign allowed the foundation to begin the reconstruction of new preschools in three different municipalities.

Learn More About Novak's Charity Work

This year, the foundation is inviting fans to join Team Vajska and/or Team Ljubis to support areas in need.

„Our country is full of real little gems, but unfortunately, in smaller places, they often cannot develop their full potential because they do not have access to early education,” Novak and Jelena said. „This year has further demonstrated how important it is for children to attend preschool, particularly in a situation when parents are forced to work from home, and are not able to adequately dedicate their time to children.

”However, it should not be forgotten that there are still those who are not able to go to preschool even in normal circumstances. So this year, the goal is to open new preschools in Vajska and Ljubis villages, which will accommodate a total of 105 children. Each of these places has its own story, and we want to tell it to the whole world, with the help of those who believe in our mission. That is why we have decided to double every donation you make this year again.„

The Novak Djokovic Foundation and its founding family has also done their part to support those in need during the COVID-19 pandemic. Earlier this year, the Djokovic family announced a €1 million donation through their foundation for the purchase of ventilators and medical equipment to support hospitals and other medical institutions in Serbia's battle against COVID-19.

To learn more about the foundation's Season of Giving and to donate, click here. More than €10,000 has been raised so far, and the campaign ends on 31 January.”
(>Catch the rainboW<)
2020-12-06 05:15 AM
Svaka cast, velik je to posao. Usput bi mogli da rade na tome da deca krenu u skolu sa 5 godina, a ne da se razvlace u nekim slučajevima i do sedme godine.
(Нека буде борба �)
2020-12-06 02:00 PM
Одакле вјеровање да је западњачки систем школовања, образовања, ..уопште филзофије живљења бољи од других...
Ако постоји неслобода онда она данас станује на Западу!
(>Catch the rainboW<)
2020-12-06 08:00 PM
nejasno je da li si komentarisao moj komentar ili ne.
(Нека буде борба �)
2020-12-06 09:30 PM
Прангијо, наравно да се односи на тебе. Подсјећаш ме на неког ко није имао став, мишљење, однос ни о чему и ни према чему..отишао шупље главе у земљу робијаша, лопова и убица и тамо све прихватио, све законе ко да су из Библије преписани...и кад дјеца требају у школу, и како се шопингује „проперли”, које „гизехице” су најврх и тако даље.
Не постављаш нам ништа ново о Јели која виси на Инстаграму а ти је случајно пратиш ко гладан пас!
Да ли си се вакцинисала?
(>Catch the rainboW<)
2020-12-06 10:57 PM
u gadnog dedu rastes!

Evo kad ti je stalo do informacija, pa u nedostatku istih nakarindzas neke svoje vizije i fantazije.

Instagram ne otvaram svaki dan. Ako vidim live story pogledam. Evo bas malo pre videh Jeleninu pricicu. Reč je o novom prilogu za neki podcast casopisa Original ili tako nešto. Samo sam videla naslov Jelena i Pjer i slike. Drzi kuce u krilu dok gostuje. Da kažem da sam odslusala neki dan prvi podcast dok sam vozila. Pricala je sa nekom hrvatskom klejbezablom koja je utripovala da je svestrana i posebna zenska. Obično bla bla truc, ništa pametno niti posebno tu nije bilo, sto bi ljudi rekli, zali boze vremena. Ali, Jela se nasla u tom pametovanju, može joj se.

Da, skola ovde pocinje sa 5 godina tj zove se kindergarten i deca idu u istu skolu gde su i ostali razredi. Nose uniformu i ceo taj rad. I, da li bi bilo loše u Srbiji da deca podju sa 5 godina, umesto sto ih većinom roditelji navale babama i dedama na grbacu dok ne krenu u skolu? Babe i dede prosto ne znaju šta će sa tom decom osim da ih prosetaju do parka, puste im tv i gledaju kako da prezive dok ne dodju roditelji da vode decu kuci. Vaspitanje dede i babe, cast izuzecima, ne može da bude kao da su deca već u skoli. Bas će babe i dede da sede nekoliko sati svaki dan i da sa unucima čitaju knjige, uce ih da pišu, crtaju, sve ono sto bi da su u skoli sa svojim vrsnjacima. Deci treba da se socijalizuju sa svojim vrsnjacima, a ne da provode dane sa babom i dedom.
(>Catch the rainboW<)
2020-12-06 11:17 PM
Zaboravih da kažem, ti se uhvatio robijasa ko pijan plota. Ta cela garnitura odavno nije među živima, a kojekakvih ima kao i svugde. Gde imaš idealnu zemlju bez raznoraznih krimosa? Ako imaš mozga ti gledaš da sagradis zivot za sebe i svoju porodicu, da se družiš sa ok ljudima i da imaš pametne izbore, bolje nego da postanes lopina i prevarant.

Nisu još stigle vakcine. Nemam pojma šta će biti. Usput receno, možda bi ti dosta dobio na kvalitetu zivota kada bi organizova da ti udare jednu rabies vaccine?
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