Дискусије : Кошарка

Klipersi - razlog poraza!
21. мај 2015. у 05.17
Klipersi su trebali uzeti NBA titulu ali nisu i neće sve dok ne promene trenera! Doc Rivers nije moderan trener i čini početnicke greške:
Forsira najbolji prosek i prvo mesto u regionu kao i „Home Court Advantage”. To vise „ne pali”! Klipersi „izgore” do play-offa dok iskusniji (i pametniji) treneri „odmaraju svoje zvezde (laznim povredama)” u toku sezone i vise se bave planiranjem strategije za zavrsnicu (play-offs) nego osvajanjem prvog mesta u regularnoj sezoni„!!!
Trener je bio razlog sto Sakaramento nikad nije uzeo titulu čak i kad je bio najjači tim u ligi (sa Weberom, Divcem, Stojom, Christijem, Bibbijem...) - Adelaman nije znao kako da iskoristi taj potencijal! ”
22. мај 2015. у 00.13
sakramento je bio TOLIKO jak da im trener nije ni trebao ... glave im je dosao stari grmaz:
22. мај 2015. у 00.17
Altercations with Earl Strom
According to Darryl Dawkins's autobiography, Bavetta was officiating an NBA game during the mid-1970s between the Philadelphia 76ers and New Jersey Nets with Earl Strom as his partner for that game.[15] Bavetta overruled Strom on a crucial last-second personal foul call against the Nets, which would have been a victory for the 76ers.[15] When the game ended and players were walking to their respective locker rooms, the door to the referees' locker room flew open and Bavetta came staggering out.[15] His uniform was allegedly ripped and he was wearing a big welt over his eye, running to get away from Strom.[15] Strom stepped out into the hallway and hollered after Bavetta, „You'll take another one of my fucking calls again, right, you motherfucker?”[15] Strom was fined for the incident.

Bavetta had another altercation with Strom when Strom tried to choke Bavetta during halftime of an NBA game in 1989 for allegedly siding with the home crowd. Strom reportedly apologized two weeks later

Allegations of game fixing[edit]
Bavetta was one of three referees for the Game 6 of the 2002 Western Conference Finals between the Kings and the Lakers. Former referee Tim Donaghy has alleged that at least one of the referees working this game had subjective motives for wanting the Lakers to defeat the Kings, and made officiating calls to effectuate this outcome.[17][18] The NBA has not permitted Bavetta to speak publicly regarding the incident, though The New York Times reported on June 12, 2008 that the FBI is investigating allegations that Game 6 of the 2002 Western Conference Finals had been manipulated to further the series to a seventh game. Even the television announcers commented on how obvious it was that the fix was in.[19]
In a 2002 article, Bill Simmons named the worst officiated games of the prior four years, alleging that the games involved either extending a series so it did not end quickly or advancing a large market team for the NBA's benefit. All seven games named had been officiated by Bavetta.
22. мај 2015. у 01.17
Nakupilo se u poslednjih 15-tak godina jezivih sportskih nepravdi, velikom većinom pocinjenih na srpskim sportistima, do te mere da može da se napravi sajt na tu temu.

Iako je teško meriti da li je kradja Caviceve olimpijskog zlata zbog pristrasnih Omega tastera, ili evropskog zbog majice „Kosovo je Srbija”, i gomile sličnih gafova,...

...mene je lično najviše pogodila ta nevidjena kradja u finalu konferencije 2002-ge. Odgledao sam i skorije intervjue sa Divcem i još skorije sa Stojakovicem, i ne mogu cudu da se nacudim da cute o svemu tome posle toliko godina, iako mnogi ljudi povezani sa kosarkom naglas govore istu stvar, sto po web clancima, a sto po Youtube-u, gde je jedan crnac dao analizu play-by-play šta su sve sudijske dzukele radile.

Što se tiče Clippers-a, gledao sam par utakmica Warriors-a protiv njih, gde se jasno vidi da im je timska kosarkaska inteligencija ispod nekog potrebnog nivoa. Griffinu i Crawfordu svaka cast, ima još tu par dobrih momaka (JJ Reddick, Matt Barnes itd), ali glavni bek Chris Paul nije na nivou beka ubice/timskog mislioca na kojem su Harden ili Curry.

Naravno, ukenjao ih je i Jordan sa ispromasivanim bacanjima, elementom igre koji se najlakse navezbava prostim radom.
22. мај 2015. у 15.09
bas obrnuto ...pol je bio ok...(igrao je i povredjen) ...grifin
isto tako ok...mada , sa njim se preteralo , igrao je previse ...
tako da je bio vidno umoran (možda je i to jedan od razloga pusagije)
po meni je veci razlog ispadanja klipersa u tome sto su u po frke
pukli epizodisti ...
bas taj kraford je odigrao nikad gore...majmun barns je nestao
posle prve 2-3 utakmice...čak je i taj redik nestajao u po frke...
da , i onaj mali rivers...i on je puko ko petarda .

tako da...

nasuprot hjustonu...u kom su , kad je trebalo proigrali skoro svi..
23. мај 2015. у 13.16
moguće. Nisam odgledao sve utakmice iz Houston serije.
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