Дискусије : Тенис

Federer or Holzleitner?
15. јун 2021. у 10.33
Ko je zapravo Roger Federer? Njegov deda je bio Nazi i pobegao je u Juznu Africu 1944. Tu se i rodio Federerov otac . Kad se vratio u Evropu i to u Bazel ( nije smio u Njemacku ) promenio je prezime i od Holzleitner je postao Federer . A Nadal je zidov kao i Guardiola . Zidovi izbjegli iz Jerusalima i promenili veru u katolike. Kao i nasi rvati koji su bili Srbi .promenili veru i postali katolici.
Interesantno, zar ne?
(Я люблю запад)
15. јун 2021. у 12.13
Obojica su vrhunski teniseri. Sve ostalo je nebitno.
(надежда, вера и л)
15. јун 2021. у 15.59
... I love Russia but , но тем, кто любит Запад, следует напомнить, что нацизм и фашизм - продукт Запада.
15. јун 2021. у 17.07
Važno je za mene. Nikad ga nisam volio, a sad kad sam procitao o njegovom dedi ,fashisti, razumem moja osecanja. Eto me na US Open sa natpisom,,,What is your real name Roger Federer. Mrzim fashiste a on je bas pravi,još mu trena sljem i kukasti krst.
Nadalovi su tu generacijiama pa ga razumem,,,ali ovo govno , pa deda fashista mu se doselio iz Juzne Africe tek početkom 70tih.
15. јун 2021. у 18.02
Ima li neki link da i mi pročitamo?
15. јун 2021. у 18.36
1. Roger FEDER
His grandfather was Hitlerjugend in Nirnberg, he worked as an official and active member of the Nazis party in Rathaus during World War II. Realizing that Germany is inevitably losing everything after the defeat at Stalingrad, he decides to escape 1944. to South Africa where he has prepared a discount for himself from earlier. With him, the director of Siemens from 2004. (then he was 85) and who told me this in Erlangen, at Siemens central, when we saw Federer playing Australien one morning after breakfast In the open. He told me this because I was a German DAAD scholarship and because I didn't ′′ steal, lie or something ′′ in 1989. (then I was in the function of Siemens Berater for the Serbian countries of the former SFRJ), he loved me because I didn't ′′ steal, lie or something blurred behind my back „, i was just an expert as Novak TENISER!!!
Federer's grandfather is getting children there, among them and his father. One moment they decide to return to Europe, but not to Germany, but to buy property of Basel, German region in Switzerland, Federer's father meets his mother in South Africa and so everyone moves to Switzerland under the name Federer that is not their original. As I remember, their real last name is Holzleitner. Meanwhile, my Herlinger is becoming one of the bosses in Siemens, and at the end of his career and CEO. So Nazism never even shut down...
Because of all the above, Federer as Ashkenazi German Jew and with good found history, has so much support of the corrupt West, especially the German Ashkenazi lobby in which the USA, EU, Switzerland, but also England, because Indigenous English are German tribe (that's why they have German crown today!?) while the Welsh, Scottish and Irish are of Celtic origin and close to us (hence the similarities of Murray and Novak, in the soul, in that unconscious part, in the genes...).
15. јун 2021. у 18.40
Because of all the above, Federer as Ashkenazi German Jew and with good found history, has so much support of the corrupt West, especially the German Ashkenazi lobby in which the USA, EU, Switzerland, but also

Znaci on je Ashkenazi German Jew .A ti su bili u Nazi Army .
(svakog dana...)
16. јун 2021. у 14.13
Naravno da nisu, ono masovno ili otvoreno. Biće da su to neki krili, čak i u porijeklu i prikljucivali se. Njemci nisu primali Jevreje, ni kada bi se deklarisali... To je poznato. Askenazi su izrazito plavi sa plavim ocima, uz neke karakteristike.
Kažu da Hitler ima neku babu Jewish, a čini mi se i Hajdrih??? Ne znam, nisam dokazivala.
Za Rafu mi je prihvatljivije, čak i ime Rafael, a onda ta boja koze, sefardska iz Spanije. Međutim, nikada za Tonija ne bih to rekla i, čemu
sluzi ta prica i „otkrice” Njihov zivot i izbor. Za mene je teniser...
ostalo prema simpatijama i odnosu prema Noletu
17. јун 2021. у 12.17
Razumem i ja za Nadala. jer se desilo nekoliko generacija pre njega . Ali ovaj Nazi , Holzleitner je tek promenio prezime negde sedamdesetih . Znaci Rogere Holzleitner je prva generacija Federer. Kao sto sam piso pre, od početka mi nije legao. Uvek sam osecao da je prljavi igrac i još najprljaviji covek . Sad razumem zašto ga nikad nisam volio . Za mene on će uvek biti Nazi . A ja ih mrzim.
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