Diskusije : Putovanja i turizam

Ispada da turizam može da bude stetan..
19. februar 2014. u 15.52


„Bearden went missing shortly after she and Josh -- who married at the Denver Zoo and joked they epitomized the adage ”opposites attract„ -- returned to the United States from their epic, global adventure. She documented their journeys to places like Mount Everest's base camp, the Dead Sea and South America's Patagonia extensively on a blog.

Coming back to her native country wasn't necessarily easy, her family suggested.

”The pressure of transitioning from her two-year trip back into what we consider 'normal' life seems to have left her very anxious and stressed,„ they said.”

Nije lako kad prelazis s konja na magarca.
23. februar 2014. u 15.19
Ne znam gde ti vidis „s konja na magarca” u ovoj prici.

Putovanje je nešto najlepse.
27. februar 2014. u 19.22
...povratak u Teksas. Mada time verovatno vredjam magarca kad ga poredim sa tom rupom.

Slazem se za putovanja. Svako je lepo dok traje.
04. mart 2014. u 21.17
There is no place like home. Ona nije dozivljavala i videla Texas kao ti.

Evo nešto obratno od ovoga sto si postavio. Žena je dosla na Iguazu vodopade koji su nacionalni park, da se ubije.

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