Diskusije : Politika

QubicPoruka negativno ocenjena. Pokaži

Samoproglašeni.. itd. itd. part 2
08. februar 2019. u 12.10
Someday a great book will be written about the heroic struggle of the Venezuelan people against the dictatorship of Chávez and Maduro, that remembers the sufferings that have suffered all these years without ceasing to resist, in spite of the tortured ones and the assassinated ones, to the economic catastrophe - probably the most atrocious that modern history remembers- that has led a potentially very rich country to collective famine and has forced nearly three million citizens to flee, on foot, to neighboring countries to avoid perishing due to the lack of work, food, medicine and hope. Fortunately, the martyrdom of Venezuela seems to be coming to an end, thanks to the new impetus that Juan Guaidó and other young leaders have injected into the resistance.

It seems impossible, is not it? That a dictatorship rejected by the entire democratic world, the OAS, the European Union, the Lima Group, the United Nations and, at least, by three quarters of its population, can survive This latest onslaught of freedom with the proclamation, by the National Assembly of Venezuela (the only more or less representative body of the country), Juan Guaidó as president in charge of convening new elections to return to the nation the lost legality. And yet, the tyrant is still there. Why? Because the Armed Forces still protect it and have laid a protective shield around it. We have seen them, there on television, those generals and admirals mingled with medals, while the Minister of Defense, General Vladimir Padrino, swore allegiance to the spurious regime. What explains this alleged loyalty are not ideological affinities. It is fear. The resource that Chávez used, and that Maduro continued with this military leadership to ensure his complicity, was to buy it, giving him practically the drug trafficking business, in such a way that a good number of these officers have become rich and have their fortunes in paradises fiscal. But almost all of them are registered internationally and they know that when the regime falls, they will go to jail. The promises of amnesty that Guaidó has given them do not reassure them, because they suspect that they are not worthy of Venezuelan territory, and their dirty operations are persecuted and will be punished by international tribunals all over the world. The resource that Chávez used, and that Maduro continued with this military leadership to ensure his complicity, was to buy it, giving him practically the drug trafficking business, in such a way that a good number of these officers have become rich and have their fortunes in paradises fiscal. But almost all of them are registered internationally and they know that when the regime falls, they will go to jail. The promises of amnesty that Guaidó has given them do not reassure them, because they suspect that they are not worthy of Venezuelan territory, and their dirty operations are persecuted and will be punished by international tribunals all over the world. The resource that Chávez used, and that Maduro continued with this military leadership to ensure his complicity, was to buy it, giving him practically the drug trafficking business, in such a way that a good number of these officers have become rich and have their fortunes in paradises fiscal. But almost all of them are registered internationally and they know that when the regime falls, they will go to jail. The promises of amnesty that Guaidó has given them do not reassure them, because they suspect that they are not worthy of Venezuelan territory, and their dirty operations are persecuted and will be punished by international tribunals all over the world. in such a way that a good number of these officers have become rich and have their fortunes in tax havens. But almost all of them are registered internationally and they know that when the regime falls, they will go to jail. The promises of amnesty that Guaidó has given them do not reassure them, because they suspect that they are not worthy of Venezuelan territory, and their dirty operations are persecuted and will be punished by international tribunals all over the world. in such a way that a good number of these officers have become rich and have their fortunes in tax havens. But almost all of them are registered internationally and they know that when the regime falls, they will go to jail. The promises of amnesty that Guaidó has given them do not reassure them, because they suspect that they are not worthy of Venezuelan territory, and their dirty operations are persecuted and will be punished by international tribunals all over the world.
QubicPoruka negativno ocenjena. Pokaži

08. februar 2019. u 12.11
But why do not these young officers, lieutenants, captains, and soldiers, who are hit by the atrocious economic crisis like the rest of the Venezuelan population, rebel against Maduro's tyranny? For a very simple reason too. Because of the strict and implacable vigilance exercised by the Cuban armed forces and professionals over the Venezuelan Armed Forces, to whom Comandante Chávez practically handed over control of the military and civil security of the regime he implemented. It is something unprecedented; a country renounces its sovereignty and gives another total control of its Armed and Police Forces. And the communists, as has been proven over and over again, ruin the economy, destroy the representative institutions, regiment and crush the culture, but they have taken censorship and the repression of all forms of insubordination and rebellion to little less than artistic perfection. Let's not forget that all the Venezuelan military institutions have been subjected to systematic purges and that there are several hundred officers expelled or imprisoned for not being considered „safe” for the dictatorship.

However, the USSR collapsed like a house of cards, and also its Central European satellites collapsed and today are true bulwarks against that regime that had promised to lower paradise to earth and rather created the worst satrapies known to history. The Maduro regime prides itself on the protection provided by dictatorships such as the Russian, the Chinese, the Turkish, and the solidarity of other Latin American tyrannies such as Cuba, Nicaragua or Bolivia. Go travel companions, for whom the famous saying goes: „Look who you are with and I'll tell you who you are.” In the case of Russia and China, both countries have made such extravagant loans to the Maduro dictatorship - which only served to aggravate the corruption that reigns - that they fear, with very good reason, that they will never be able to collect them. They have it well deserved: They wanted to secure sources of raw materials by economically strengthening a corrupt tyranny and most likely end up being part of their victims. The beast that is going to die defends itself tooth and nail and there is no doubt that the regime, now that it feels cornered and senses its end, can cause a lot of pain and spill even more innocent blood. That is why it is essential that the countries and international democratic institutions multiply the pressure against the Maduro Government, extending the recognition to the presidency of Juan Guaidó and the National Assembly, and achieving the isolation and orphanhood of the regime in order to precipitate its fall before that he does more harm than he has caused the unfortunate Venezuela.

The Secretary General of the OAS, Luis Almagro, has said it clearly: „There is nothing to negotiate with Maduro.” All the attempts at dialogue have been frustrated because the dictatorship intended to use the negotiations only to gain time, without making the slightest concession, and conspiring without respite, thanks to the help given by naive or Machiavellian people, to sow discord among the opposition forces. Things have already gone too far and the first priority is now to finish as soon as possible with the Maduro dictatorship so that free elections are called and Venezuelans can finally dedicate themselves to the reconstruction of their country.
QubicPoruka negativno ocenjena. Pokaži

08. februar 2019. u 12.14
The mobilization of the democratic world, beginning with the Western countries, has been unprecedented. I do not remember seeing anything like it in the many years that I have. At the same time, several governments, beginning with the United States and Canada and the main European countries, recognized Guaidó as president, the European Union, the OAS, the United Nations and all democratic Latin American countries, with the exception of Uruguay and Mexico ( something predictable), they broke with the dictatorship and mobilized in order to hasten the fall of Maduro's bloodthirsty regime. We must not forget, in these moments when we finally see a light at the end of this long road, that none of this would have been possible without the sacrifice of the people of Venezuela, who, if at first surrendered to the songs of Chávez's siren,

Thanks Julio Borges, Maria Corina Machado, Leopoldo Lopez, Lilian Tintori, Henrique Capriles, Antonio Ledezma, Juan Guaidó and the thousands of thousands of women and men who followed them all these years demonstrating in the streets, and in the dungeons and in exile , that Latin America is no longer, as in the past, a land of satraps and thieves, and that a people who love freedom can not be indefinitely chained. Someday, not far, a shoot of one of those great writers that has already given Venezuela to our language will write that great Tolstoyan novel about what happened and is happening there. And the end will be, of course, a happy ending.

08. februar 2019. u 12.28
Народ Венецуеле би живео добро да није толике године под америчким санкцијама и блокадом.

Американци не признају изабране лидере у другим државама ако то нису амерички људи. Они признају само оне владаре који раде за Америку.

Оне који не раде за Америку, Амери скидају обојеним револуцијама које финансирају новинским папиром званим 'петро-долар', а на крају их бомбардују ако ништа друго не пали.

То је суштина приче. Све остало је пропаганда.
QubicPoruka negativno ocenjena. Pokaži

08. februar 2019. u 12.37
„Народ Венецуеле би живео добро да није толике године под америчким санкцијама и блокадом.”

Da je babi milo to joj se i snilo bila bi deda.


Ali kakvi smo mi unutra (unutar) sebe? Ili nas... (!)
08. februar 2019. u 15.03
Реци ми зашто је Србија бомбардована и је ли то био легалан међународни акт?

Онда можеш да одговориш зашто је Гадафи набијен на колац, Садам Хусеин обешен, а Сирија девастирана?

Признајеш ли ти међународно право, или на међународном плану признајеш само закон силе и дивљег запада?

Људи јесу кварљива роба, али не би било кварљиве робе да није кварљивих држава које праве проблеме по свету. Фокусирај се на узрок проблема, а не на последицу!
QubicPoruka negativno ocenjena. Pokaži

08. februar 2019. u 15.49
Lorka, to su priče za malu decu, za predškoldki uzrast. Ničiji zakoni nisu Božje slovo, i sve se u univerzumu neptestano menja i kreće. Drugo odkud ti pravo da drugi poštuju tvoje zakone a ti ih sam ne poštuješ. Drugim rečima, imaš kuću - vrati stan. Duga priča...

A vidim počeli ste i nama nobelovcima da dajete minuse, pa lepo, danas nama nobelovcima, sutra Tesli, prekosutra Anddriću, zakosutra Isusu Hristu, nakosutra samom Bogu, a okosutra i samome sebi. E tu je kraj.
QubicPoruka negativno ocenjena. Pokaži

08. februar 2019. u 15.57

Onepismenio sam ovde pored vas.
08. februar 2019. u 16.34
Ало мајсторе, јеси ли ти нобеловац?

о теми:
1. демократија је да се поштује воља народа на изборима. Не постоји други начин да се сазна шта народ жели
2. америка иако демократска земља не поштује демократију у другим земљама.
Ето, пример Венецуеле а пре смо имали Украјин, па Чиле, па Иран (1957), па онда пример срењовековних режима на блиском истоку које америка подржава итд.
3.Ако Мадуро није изабран председник није то ни овај вечити студент Гвадуро ил јесте.
4.дакел стратешки и економски интереси су бр 1 а после све остало.
[email protected]Poruka negativno ocenjena. Pokaži

08. februar 2019. u 16.53

Qubic: Quorum-based Computations - Powered by IOTA

Cuj budalo, da te nikad nijesam vidjo vodjeka...

Razumeo si...
08. februar 2019. u 21.12
„Dok sam ja predsednik, politiku zemlje će voditi građani”
Kaže Vucko danas. Evo vam pa birajte.
Birali su i Ameri Trumpa (tj Rusi Ha Ha) i vidi se kako
USA demokrate postuju volju naroda.
QubicPoruka negativno ocenjena. Pokaži

08. februar 2019. u 21.18
Budala, normalno da sam budala...našao da ispravlja krive Drine. Ja njemu uporno govorim da ne može demoktatija tamo da postoji dje je podložno korumpiranju i dje skoro svakoga možeš da kupiš za trice. Sopstvena gooza isuviše slatka, ima straha a nema požrtvovanosti i ljudi glupi. A to nije Srbija, nego dodju tako neka vremena. A on meni o međunarodnom pravu. Nema prava bez sile pa vi pričajte šta hoćete. Island je mala zemlja ali ubojita.
QubicPoruka negativno ocenjena. Pokaži

08. februar 2019. u 21.30
09. februar 2019. u 02.24
rece moj dedo znamo mi ko su svabe al ne znamo ko su englezi ..
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