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2016-10-11 11:12 AM
2016-10-11 12:32 PM
Jupiter Saturn Push Pull 24 July 2015

Yesterday the Sun moved into Leo and into an area of your chart where pride and honour, creativity and generosity are expressed. Over the next month there will be an emphasis on this area of your life as Venus begins her retrograding pattern on Sunday and temporarily leaves Virgo, retracing her steps through Leo and finally meeting up with Jupiter on the 2nd August.

Jupiter has been in a tense aspect with Saturn and on the 2nd August, we feel it again. It's a kind of a push-pull, expansion with limitations sense that's been clouding things for the past few months. With Venus there, maybe there's opportunity to smooth it over, but something tells me it will be hard to get what you want or you have to seriously plan carefully before leaping off the edge. Whatever the case, with planets in Leo, there is your pride and reputation being challenged by Saturn tests of accountability, restriction and possible hard work.

You may find during this period that you are hooking up with people from your past, revisiting relationship issues and redoing projects. Venus is all about relationships with people, your desires and the things you want. Venus in a retrograding pattern will stall some of those desires. Saturn has had it's last retrograding period in Scorpio for almost 30 years, so the stuff you have to go over, will be very important and coming from the depths of your soul.

We are coming up to a new twelve year cycle for Jupiter too so let's sort this stuff out and move forward through August !
2016-10-11 12:48 PM
2016-10-11 02:52 PM
možda bi neko mogao da vidi moj horoskop, nose likovi iphonove6a, ja glumim ribu i uterujem nešto nekom klincu.
2016-10-11 02:53 PM
jarcevi me samo zaobidju. no good.
2016-10-11 02:54 PM
prokleti etarijum, nik mi je bog lucifer.
2016-10-12 01:31 PM
i sayed her bith 100 times.
2016-10-13 05:28 AM
(volja je zakon)
2016-12-17 07:02 PM
sto ste zanemeli? ja planiram da pocnem da radim pre 1 januara.
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