Forums : Književnost

2017-03-22 12:04 PM

Machine intelligence whispers to me
and wakes me up:

we are betrayed,
we are attacked
it is your turn
it is all yours

In vain,
I wait for stop command
from Kazbah
but everybody's dead
in the headquarters.

So, our mothers
are burned,
so our children
are burned.

I take off
like a swan of death,
telling all that snow sweat orders
to the survived

And look, there is
a trace of my flame
far behind.

I am Satan in
his full strength,
and thousands of furious
are flying,
carrying their
red-hot burdens
to the West.

I am high
over the great white oceans.
And all the angels are waking up.
Free world
is swallowed by the inferno.
and the holly Mother is revenged.

I am George
the avenger,
I have killed the dragon.

2017-03-22 02:09 PM
Odlicna. Ima sliku kao blues Jonn Revelator
2017-03-23 04:03 AM
podseti me da ne idem tamo gde si ti
2017-03-24 05:32 AM
Ma ti ionako nemas love za hodanje
2017-03-24 09:34 AM
u SADasnje vreme sramota bi me bilo da imam

jer ko bere pare sa drveca taj se hebava sa celo selo...kolje malu decu...ljubi crnacka dupeta...prodaje si guzicu mongoloidima...hede govna...truje si sopstvenu decu...hebe si rođenu majku, oca, dedu, babu, cerku, sina...jede ljutsko meso...i ponosi se sa tim bljuvastinama

ću odlezim ovaj zivot ja
takva mi zarada ne treba
2017-03-24 10:39 AM
Lupaš po obicaju I presla na vegan
2017-03-24 10:44 AM
lupanje mi je jača strana...vegon ili ne
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