Forums : Politika

Žak Atali: Kratka istorija budućnosti
2019-01-19 09:12 PM
hm, ko je upucen, dace mi plus na temu, ko nije... Jacques Attali, dugogodišnji savjetnik predsjednika Francois Mitterranda, „Kratka istorija budućnosti”: Ljudi će nositi čipove u tijelu, religija će biti mješavina, postojanje globalne vlade nužno knjiga je prevedana, ali vredi pogledati i sa drugih uglova najezda migranata i ostalo - sve je isplanirano unapred
2019-01-19 09:20 PM
'They will miss the days when frontiers were closed and lifetime employment was guaranteed, objects were long-lasting, marriages were sealed and remained sealed, the laws unbreakable.'

Entertainment will be our main escape.

'Some will cloister themselves in the autism of an assiduous use of nomadic objects. They will narcissistically obsessed by the self-monitors, like the Japanese otaku - those fanatics of virtual nomadism, of autistic listening to music, and of the self-monitoring of the body.'

In collusion with entertainment, drugs will be legalized to numb us to the growing insanity around us. Insanity Of The Agenda

The book is littered with other similar descriptions of future man being an industrial object, echoing the communist dream of the 'soviet man.'

At one point in the book Attali says children will be grown in laboratories like a 'commercial object.'

He predicts that before the end of the century the moon will be colonized, and it is interesting to note the psychological process he describes man experiencing.
End Goal Of NWO

Near the end of the book Attali tells us the ultimate goal of the NWO: to destroy humanity.

2019-01-21 05:00 PM
Овде сам коментарисао пре пар година са Нинославом:

- уздам се у западну окрутност. Једне ноћи кад им пукне трпило - котрљаће се главе многих низ баварске и француске сокаке, страдаће многи који су се полакомили на сатанске дарове.

Па нису Европљани саставили 2.000 година историје зато што су чкепи и може да их кара како ко пожели. Ишло је, сад је већ стало, а тек ће да заглави, има само да пршти!
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