Forums : Politika

Legenda Majk Tajson o Hitleri
2017-12-09 11:51 PM
According to the 51-year-old former heavyweight champion, who was warming up for the next leg of his Undisputed Truth 2 speaking tour with a small show in Las Vegas, these death tallies pale in comparison to the number of victims who have met their maker at the hands of Hillary Clinton.

„She murdered her very good friend Mr Vince Foster. She deliberately on purpose let Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans die in Benghazi. Do you know how many of her personal bodyguards have died deaths of a premature nature?

”Twelve. Twelve young men in close proximity to the Clintons have died premature. This information is all out there.You can look this up yourself. All of these bodyguards are indeed dead and it might all just be a tragic coincidence. Now I don’t know about you but I wouldn’t want to be on their list of associates,„ Tyson said, before encouraging audience members to Google ”Strange deaths surrounding Clintons„.”
2017-12-11 05:12 AM
Zbog ovakvih izjava, mogla bi da mu se desi neka nezgoda, sa smrtnim ishodom :(
2017-12-11 10:28 AM
nema potrebe,
ta izjava bi se u vrtlogu americkog demokratskog spina shvatila, da dolazi od poludelog boxera, koji je usled udaraca 28 puta imao teske padove na glavu...
2017-12-11 05:05 PM
„Ona je ubila svojeg dobrog prijatelja gospodina Vince Fostera. Ona je namjerno pustila veleposlanika Chris Stevensa i još troje Amerikanaca da umru u Bengaziju. Znate li koliko je njezinih osobnih tjelohranitelja umrlo preranom smrću?

”Dvanaest. Dvanaest mladića u neposrednoj blizini Clintona su umrli prerano. Ova informacija je već puštena u javnost. Možete pogledati to sami. Svi ovi tjelohranitelji su uistinu mrtvi i to može biti sve samo ne tragična slučajnost. Ja ne znam za vas, ali ja ne bi htio biti na njezinoj listi suradnika„ – rekao je Tyson, prije nego što je savjetovao publiku da googla riječi ”Čudne smrti koje okružuju Clintonove„ ”
2017-12-11 05:06 PM
odakle tebi werbatime info iz vrha demospina?
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