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Merry Christmas and a Joyous New Year!
2018-12-23 05:57 AM
A vicious, implacable cancer -- Satanism -- is eating the vital organs of society. Satanism is the worship
of evil -- greed, lust, violence and ugliness.
It is the worship of Death.

A measure of this disease's progress is the gradual disappearance of Christmas from our consciousness.

Even „The War Against Christmas” debate is gone this year. Instead, there is a feeling of capitulation - tacit acceptance of something bland and meaningless, „the holidays.”

Dehumanized Western society is losing its natural charm and generosity. Christian or not, Christmas humanized us. It expressed the Spirit of Brotherly Love epitomized by Jesus' Gospel.

While this is an obituary, remember the Resurrection!

I encourage believers to celebrate Christ with more fervour than ever. Loud, in their face!

Society Controlled by Christmas-Hating Satanic Cult
by Henry Makow Ph.D.
(from Dec 23, 2012)

Nothing better demonstrates that secularism is a guise for Satanism than the transformation of Christmas from a celebration of Christ's birth into „the holidays.”

What other holidays are there?

Chanukah? A week at beginning of December where 2% of the US population congratulate themselves for God's favor?

Why use a generic term, holidays? Why can't Christians mention the actual holy day, Christmas?

Society increasingly resembles a cult where people are intimidated to act and think in a certain way. It's called being „politically correct.”

„Politically correct” is a Communist Party term. Communism is a satanic cult. Karl Marx was a Satanist.

Their PC logic is absurd. For example, to be „inclusive,” we need to exclude Christianity, the self-declared faith of 73% of Americans.

Like a scorpion that paralyses its victim's mental faculties, the Illuminati have convinced Christians that their beliefs are in bad taste. Luciferians destroy us in the name of „human rights” and tolerance.

If the „secular” were neutral, it would embrace truth and goodness with the same fervor as depravity.

Christmas has been transformed into an orgy of debt accumulation. Christians, where is your outrage? Your commitment? Do you need Muslims to show you how to worship? ( Why are Christians such Wimps?)


Even „The War Against Christmas” debate is gone this year. Instead, there is a feeling of capitulation - tacit acceptance of something bland and meaningless, „the holidays.”

I am old enough to remember the Christmas of yesteryear.

We celebrated the birth of Christ and the Gospel of Love.

„You shall love thy neighbor as thyself.” (Matt 22:37)

This gospel of brotherly love, the sense that we are one family, was the reason for good cheer and gift-giving. It was a religious holiday.

Holly day.

No one was excluded. Even though I was Jewish I enjoyed the Spirit of Christmas. There was a special feeling in the air.

Now the Cabalist (Illuminati Jews and Masons, i.e Satanists) who own media and politicians have eviscerated Christmas. Everyone must take responsibility for what these people do in their name.

Where before we celebrated our Oneness in God, now we accept our role as interest-bearing debt-cows.

Where before we performed selfless deeds, now we show our Faith by racking up debt. Who will spend more? Will consumers demonstrate more devotion this year than last? It's the „religion” of the money-changers.

(Immaculate Conception, Family Guy style. Christianity is always good for a laugh if you're a Satanist.)

Make no mistake. Society increasingly resembles a satanic cult: Cabalism i.e. (Illuminism, Communism, Freemasonry.) This cult denies the existence of God (moral and natural order) and defines evil as good, lies as truth, sickness as health, and ugliness as beauty.


It's no secret that Communism was used to manipulate people. Appeals to social justice and equality were a hoax.

The „dictatorship of the proletariat” hid the iron fist of the Illuminati Jewish bankers. Striking workers were mowed down. (See Juri Lina's „In the Shadow of Hermes,” maybe the most important video you will ever watch.)

Books like „The God that Failed” document this fraud. Millions of idealists who championed Communism died for nothing. It was a fraud, like everything associated with its originators.

stewart.jpegSocialists, Zionists, liberals and feminists are now being used to institute the Communist NWO. They are goaded by media Commissars like Jon Stewart (nee Liebowitz) to clamor for gun control. They too will be betrayed and cast aside if patriots are disarmed or outgunned.

Don't kid yourself: we have been enslaved by Cabalist bankers and their Masonic pawns. Their goal is total control.

This Satanist cancer has infected society's vital organs: government, business, education, mass media, church, justice and military.

Now it's reaching out for the remaining healthy cells. Economic and political turmoil will be deliberate. Ignore the ostensible „reasons.”

Let us resist by reading portions from the New Testament every day and rediscovering the true Spirit of Christ.

Merry Christmas!

(kreativni lik)
2018-12-23 07:30 AM
prošle godine, ovo doba u kini - nekome iz partije, najzad, dopre do mozga, da krizmas em nije njihov praznik, em nije ni na koji način deo njihovog, njihovog interesnog(azijskog-dalekoistocnog) kulturnog miljea, plus je, u sustini, religiozni praznik, i to religije - koja opet, em nema ništa sa njima, a kada je imala veze sa njima - bilo je to tako da ih ta ekipa besomucno pljacka i bukvalno fizicki koka...
i kaže dakle partija prošle godine: dragi imaoci privatnih radnjica, sve vezano za bozic, lepo vam je zabranjeno da stavite pred izloge, i zabranjeno vam je da slavite bozic na javnom prostoru.
i setam se ja tamo po moru kod nas gde smo bili, -hop, ide lepo gomila pandurskih pandura u civilu, onih njihovih komunalnih pandura (koji su isto pod murijom - tequin-i, i oni na z, zaboravih kako se piše na pinyin/zapadno), i lepo zasli tamo po radnjama- pri tom kraj bas nastanjen strendzerima, ono, logicno, sve radnje su iz fazona „krizmas” - i lepo ajmo- m'rs to s ulice, da ne bi nekom jbl mamaru :)
- i bez neke preterane pompe i diskusije - hop - nema ga krizmas.
how cool is that? :) :) -kažeš „nema vise govana u kuci” - uzmes papir za guzicu, obrises istu, i povuces onaj koncic, i voda odnese govna u roku od odma.
do nekog sledećeg sranja doduse, ali molim lepo - i kratkorocno ukidanje govana je ipak ukidanje govana.
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