Дискусије : Тенис

08. август 2019. у 02.28
08. август 2019. у 02.29
(svakog dana...)
08. август 2019. у 11.23
Stvarno Vauuuuuuuuuuu. Fantastican tekst! Hvala, Laki.
Ne pamtim da sam ikad procitala ovako pravedan i realan tekst i analizu jednog meca u kome je Federer akter. Ni o Novaku nikada dovoljno komplimenata i priznanja, ako je pobijedio Rafu, Feda, Mareja.
Ovaj tekst treba uokviriti-kao sto je ovom påobjedom i nacinom na koji je pobijedio Novak definitivno uokvirio svoju poziciju u istoriji tenisa. Igrace on još, ali ova pobjeda i 5. Wimb. je presudno važan.

Covjek fantasticno objašnjava ono sto ovdje nazivaju: imao Nole „sreće” da prođe ovaj mec ili TB; da Federer propusti mec loptu:))) Ništa od toga se nije dogodilo na terenu, niti da je Novak igrao loše-losije zbog protivnikove dobre igre, a onda ga samo momenat sreće pogura do pobjede. „.. isn't much different on social media, where 'book-long' essays have already been written on how Djokovic was a 'lucky' and 'undeserving' winner yesterday
Apsurdne kontacije i logika.

Djokovic was never at his best during the match on Sunday, but he still managed to hold off Federer's astute plans long enough to make it a battle of nerves in the decider. If Federer had won, his performance would've been hailed as a tactical masterclass for the way he took apart the Serb's game without ever going for the all-out attack. But Djokovic survived; his game may have broken down, but his will never did.


He somehow found his steadiest tennis at exactly the most crucial times, stealing not one or two but three sets from right under the Swiss' nose. That forehand pass to save the second match point will go down as the stuff of legend; as yet another example of his ability to summon inch-perfect shot-making when absolutely nothing else will do. How can that kind of unreal clutch play not elicit awe?

”But respecting him is not a matter of choice. If, after all that he has done, we still don't accord him his rightful place as one of the GOATs (if not the outright GOAT), then the problem is not with him. It is with us.
(Bice Bolje)
09. август 2019. у 09.39
Ko god zna ista o tenisu slaze se sa ovim tekstom. Ja sam siguran da se i Nadal i Federer slazu. Pogotovo Federer. 😊
10. август 2019. у 07.53
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